Friday, January 11, 2013


I know that God loves all of us as a parent loves their child. I know he created Earth so that we could be sent here to learn and progress in his dynamic plan of happiness. By coming to Earth and receiving a body of flesh and bones we are progressing in God's plan. I know the essential parts of God's plan is the Gospel. The Gospel includes; faith, repentance, baptism by immersion, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. By living these truths we will be able to obtain the ultimate gift, which is to return to God's kingdom. If we live righteously and return to God's Kingdom we will inherit a home of everlasting joy and happiness. In this state of peace and comfort we will be able to live with our Earthly families forever. I know this is true, and that it is the greatest wish our Heavenly Father has for every one of us. Unfortunately some members of our families never learn of the Gospel, and because they didn't know, they never had the life changing ordinances performed for themselves. God knew this would happen and He has prepared a way for them to receive the Gospel even though they have passed from this life. It is up to us to find their names and to help them receive the Gospel. I know that doing family history is a huge part of God's work! As we search out our ancestors, I know the spirit will work through us to find the names of the people who are waiting on the other side of the veil. When we find them and perform their ordinances in the temple, I know there is immense celebration and joy in the hearts of our deceased relatives. I know this to be true, and can testify that as we engage in this vital work we will experience deep fulfilling happiness. I know God lives and that the temple work is the most important work we can do here on Earth. I look forward to learning more about the family history process, and I know I will gain a deeper testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this work. I am indeed grateful to be able to contribute a small part to the salvation of my family. When the day comes for me to pass over, I know there will be many ancestors who will thank me for all the efforts I have made to bless their lives. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.